It’s Back to School Season and we’ve got a contest for Alberta users!

TrypScore TrypTip - Back to School Season

It’s back-to-school season and that means a new contest! If you are a user located in Alberta, Canada, then you’ll have access to the Back to School Contest until September 5th! 🚌⁠

During the contest period, if you drive safely through an Alberta School Zone and collect a School Zone Pyn, you’ll earn an entry to win a $125 gift card of your choice for back-to-school shopping! ⁠

Even if you don’t live in this region, don’t forget to stay cautious this Fall as there will be: ⁠
🍎 An increase of children playing outside and crossing roads⁠
🍎 Lowered speed limits with School Zones being in effect⁠
🍎 School busses back on the road & an increase in traffic before/after school

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